One More Time


Via, via, via!

Vienna, Prague, Brno, three experiences, three sensations, three characters, and three times three is nine, nine days during which we hiked, watched, discovery, encountered, traveled, eaten and, ça va sans dire, bevuto, nine days in search of memories and hopes, nine days that broke that cage of sadness that had imprisoned me for a couple of years.
Rossana who left at dawn on a gray Tuesday, she returned after a week and a half with a considerable store of memories but lighter in spirit.
At this point one of the gianographies written by mine is good sherpa / tourist agency / pusher / photographer / ecc., and it's called "GOODBYE".
The traveler knows no return. Starting is one, another person returns. If the same one returns, it is as if he had never left. Continua a leggere

Come sempre, diversamente da sempre

praguearmsEccomi qua.
In ritardo come al solito.
So già cosa vi state aspettando, la mia periodica tiritera su quanto siano affascinanti Praga e la Boemia in generale, tanto più in occasione del Prague Patchwork Meeting. Insomma il solito strazio.

Calma, calma, non si pensi che Praga abbia ormai perso la sua capacità di suggestionarmi, o che, dopo ben undici anni, undici presenze, undici viaggi, io non trovi più ragioni per andare a vedere il patchwork boemo. Non sia mai detto. Continua a leggere