BPM 2024 – One Step Beyond

BPM2024Eccoci qua, on stage again, to tell you about our trip to the Czech Republic and the quilt that we saw there.
Reading the title you may have noticed that the acronym of the Czech exhibition is now BPM, ovvero Brno Patchwork Meeting, and no more PPM. Let's say I miss Prague a bit, and not just because I find it fascinating and complicated, but also because there I discovered many years ago some artists who were looking for their own expressive way to break away from the Anglo-Saxon and French schools. Today I can say that I have seen a long view, and I admire with satisfaction the works that quilter Czechs can boast of exhibiting their works all over the world.
As always the journey to Brno was slow and complicated, and therefore pleasant. Set off with the sun, and already in Celje the bus proceeded among the snowflakes that were falling copiously, but luckily the experience had prepared us for everything. The first stage included a stop in Vienna for a day shopping. Badate bene, I'm not talking about clothes, footwear and accessories, but of materials and equipment for copperplate printing and painting. Mission accomplished. I found everything, e anche di più, and now I know where to go when I need something that they don't even know exists here. While we were there we visited the Wien Museum on Karlsplatz, just reopened a few months ago, where on the top floor the walls were covered with admirable engravings of 17th century Vienna and beyond.
After saying goodbye to Vienna we took a bus headed to Moravia, and we found the same Brno as last year, with its strengths and weaknesses. This time though, our reporting duties finished, we decided to rent a car to take a few trips out of the city. You can find some images of this little trip to Moravia in postNot just Brno”, dal blog ultimalune.it of mine webmaster / photographer / tourist agency / sherpa / ecc.
But I guess you're here for the patchwork, and that all this travel drama leaves you quite indifferent, so here I am ready to satisfy your curiosity. Continua a leggere