And a year goes.
slowly, is my will.
Amo l’estate? Non saprei. All this frenzy of organizing, travel, abbronzare e zanzare tende a stressarmi. And you think that not even happen to me!
After all, autumn is depressing, melancholy, She smacks of missed opportunities and expired goods, di ore solari senza sole, Throwback.
Ah, but winter is another matter, especially if you're lucky enough to load the boiler, to squeeze every possible bulb, to maintain balance despite wind and ice. How not to hate him?
Poi finalmente arriva la primavera, always late, always treacherously, always in a hurry, always as if it were passed, but we did not find at home. What a rip-off!
But the summer is ending, and all in all I can not say that I've treated badly. Allora, After a full year of art and alchemy textile aspirations, mi sono concessa questo divertissement.
A summer at sea.
beach style.
A nice job all year!!!
Rossana Brava!
Thanks Archive, I used an old technique called “futiz”.