Please wait…

console yourself waiting (or worry) with this very special quilt.
The message is clear: the time clock never stops, therefore, as far as possible, Seize the day.
Incidentally, this work is quite in tune with the theme of my last trip, or “a Passover from in-cube”, but for now I will not reveal more.

Bednárová Marcela - Metamorphosis

Please wait…

Be patient.
There are no images to be edited, video clips to assemble, texts to be invented, and then you have to choose, choose, choose, and this is always the hardest part.
Un po’ at a time the article on my last excursion takes shape, but it will take some time before it can consider it "presentable".
While waiting I will insert occasionally some pictures in the blog, right of nibbles to keep alive the curiosity.


Quilt Fest 2015 – Friesach

Austria Patchwork logoCarpe diem, e noi abbiamo “carpito” non uno ma ben due giorni meravigliosi in Carinzia.
Certo, eravamo ancora un po’ stanchi del tour de force in Alsazia, e diciamolo pure anche un po’ sazi, però una certa vicinanza (chilometrica e culturale) non la smetteva di tormentarci con degli insistenti “andiamo, andiamo, perché no, andiamo, su dai… ” e così una settimana prima della mostra cedemmo alle lusinghe.
Risultato: un fine settimana da favola. Continua a leggere