
P1050241I sometimes complain about the choice of "remote" locations for textile art exhibitions, places that are difficult to reach by public transport, or invisible even to the most modern GPS tracker, instead this time I have to admit that getting to the exhibition venue was relatively simple, as long as you don't suffer from naupathy, that nuisance better known as “seasickness”. In fact, the Artlife for the World Contemporary Art Events association has chosen the island of Torcello for the "TerraCielo" event, an exhibition of installations that refer to environmental art.
The relative proximity of the exhibition venue, added to the curiosity for absolutely non-traditional works, he convinced me to take a train to Venice, and then the vaporetto to Torcello, on a hot day in July (what not to do for art…).
Tutto bene allora? Ovviamente no. Continua a leggere

PPM 2023

341512459_1455918538278149_9185444930607691383_nWorse than a Renfe train, this time we have truly accumulated an unforgivable delay, and precisely for an article that I wanted to publish quickly.
It happens that the deities of information technology are not benevolent, and indeed, as I reported in post previous, a serious problem with the computer motherboard had left us stranded. Unfortunately the replacement could not be found, and after some failed attempts to repair it we decided to carry out a revamping of the car, an update of thehardware essentially, replacing the card, processor and memories. Certo, we would have done it sooner by buying a new PC, but our nature always pushes us towards recovery, and this computer is also a kind of patchwork electronic, without forgetting the advantage of having spent less than a third of what we would have had to leave at the checkout of a computer store.
Bene, let's move on to the narrative of our expedition to Moravia.
Actually no, we stop first in Vienna. Continua a leggere

HELLO! (to)

CARTEL PATCHWORK SITGES 2023And then here I am, to tell you something about this year's Sitges exhibition. It may be objected to me that more than a month has already passed, però, sapete com’è, I like to take it easy, and the management of this blog non fa eccezione. After all, I am sure that many images of the works exhibited in Sitges have already been posted on Facebook, some with exhibitions still in progress, so a few more weeks makes no difference.
At this point one might wonder what this could be for post, e, I will tell you, I have doubts too, but when I happen to review some photographs that we have taken, the temptation to describe arises irresistibly, to comment, conjecture, deciphering what a distracted glance might miss. You do it for the benefit of those who, for various reasons, they were not present, it is done to offer an original interpretation (and hopefully authentic) of what there was to see, it is done to give a further reason for satisfaction to those who have created those works, this is done to encourage a "person" visit to future editions of the exhibition, and finally it is also done for personal pleasure, almost as if composing this post was also making a patchwork, not cloth, questo è ovvio, but by stitching together images and words.

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